Poland - An unforgettable experience

Poland is going to be an unforgettable experience for my fiance. Why? It's because we missed our flight. Seriously? Oh yes we did. I am sure now you would like to know how. Okay so let me tell you it wasn't because we were late, we reached on time, got through security in time too. In fact, we had enough time to even buy ourselves a hot chocolate, which we relished just where I gate was in view. We decided to have a quick visit to the toilet and when we were out all we saw was the screen flashing final boarding call. We rushed there to find no one at the gate and then to be told we missed our flight. We explained there wasn't any announcement but had to settle for the answer that Luton is a silent airport so they don't make any announcements. We were disappointed at first but then the brain of the traveler kicked in. What next then? We decided to take the next flight, but as luck would have it there wasn't another flight to Krakow available that day from the ...