This looks like a job for, Spiderwoman!

It was an usual bright Monday morning with the team in the conference room until, our receptionist Rosy rushed in. "Does anyone here not get afraid of spiders?" she asked, and there was pin-drop silence in the room. The next thing I saw was the weird and scared faces of everyone in the room. It looked as though something grave had struck our office and people were terrified of the spider. In the midst of all that I put my hand up slowly and said am not, what's the matter? To that she replied saying, there was a spider that she saw lying on the floor near her desk and she wasn't sure if it was dead or alive. I said let's go check she was like are you sure I said yes I am and then I entered the abandoned office area where this spider lay, I examined and noticed that it was dead. Everyone was peeping through the room as if the spider would jump up any time and catch a hold of them. I finally found a piece of paper and a dustpan to dispose of the spider into the ...